Form Library

Everything you need in one place.

Below you’ll find links to information and forms, which you can view or download and print.

If you prefer talking with a Care Advocate call 855-255-7060

2025 Medical Benefit Information
Benefit Overview Provides a high level overview of your HealthEZ medical benefits.
PPO 5 Plan SBC Provides an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage.
HDHP 2 Plan SBC Provides an easy-to-understand summary about a health plan’s benefits and coverage.
2025 Summary Plan Description (SPD) Provides information on how the medical plan operates, when employees are eligible for benefits, how benefits are paid, and much more.
HealthEZ Resources
Understanding Your ID Card Provides an easy-to-understand summary about how to read your HealthEZ ID card.
Boost Your Baby HealthEZ offers maternity support by providing education and resources to promote a healthy pregnancy through postpartum
HealthEZ EZPay Manage all your medical expenses in one simple spot with EZpay. Everything you need is at your fingertips in the free HealthEZ app.
HealthEZ EOB Sample View a sample of your HealthEZ Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
HealthEZ Statement Sample View a sample of your HealthEZ Statement
How to find your EOB's & Statements How to find your EOB's & Statements
Claim Reimbursement Forms
Medical Expense Reimbursement Form Fill out the Medical Expense Reimbursement Form and submit to HealthEZ when you have paid out of pocket for medical expenses.
Prescription Reimbursement Form Fill out the Prescription Reimbursement Form and submit to WellDyne when you have paid out of pocket for prescription expenses.
Recuro Telemedicine
Recuro Flyer Feeling better is just a click away!
Machine Readable File
Machine Readable File Machine Readable Files, published in accordance with the Transparency in Coverage final rule. The information contained in the files is accurate as of the “Last Updated” date and is subject to change at any time and without notice.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the amount of information contained in these files, some may be as large as one Terabyte (TB) in size. Please ensure you have the required memory capacity, hardware, and software capabilities before attempting to download. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.
Preventive and Wellness Services
Preventive and Wellness Services Provides information on your common preventive and wellness services.
Precertification List Provides a general overview of common services that require precertification. For specifics, please contact the number at the top of this page.
Coordination of Benefits
Coordination of Benefits (COB) Letter A Coordination of Benefits (COB) letter is sometimes needed to process claims if you are covered by more than one health plan. It clarifies who pays what by determining which plan is the primary payer and which is secondary. Members will be notified if this form is required.
Important Notices
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills When you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing.
Notice of Electronic Disclosure Notice of Electronic Disclosure of Employee Benefit Notices, Summary Plan Description and Plan Amendments
Paper Employee Notices Acknowledgement of Paper Employee Benefit Notices
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Notice Explains how your eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP may qualify you for premium assistance to pay for your employer's health coverage
COBRA Notice Explains your right to continue health benefits, if you were to lose them through your group health plan.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Notice Explains how personal health information about you may be used and disclosed.
Newborn Act Notice Explains how important protections for your members and their newborn children.
Special Enrollment Notice Explains your right to enroll in your group health plan, if you lose your "other" health coverage.
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Booklet Explains how discrimination on genetic information is prohibited in group health plan coverage
Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 Explains important protections for those who choose to have breast reconstruction, in connection with a mastectomy.
HealthEZ Privacy Policy A summary of key provisions of our Privacy Notice.